Assessment & Reporting
Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning program. Teachers plan for assessment when developing teaching and learning activities. Reporting is communicating the knowledge gathered from assessing student learning. Assessment and Reporting may include all or any of the processes outlined below.
- Homework
- Diaries and communication books
- Student folders and books
- Informal discussions/interviews
- Acquaintance Meetings
- Open Days
- Newsletters – school and class
- Student self assessment and peer assessment
- Student led conferences
- Formal Parent/Teacher/Student Meetings
- Electronic Portfolios
- Student presentations
- Written reports in June and December
Information about how teachers inform parents/caregivers about student progress is made available through class newsletters and at Acquaintance Meetings.
If you have any concerns about your child’s progress please contact your child’s teacher or a member of the leadership team.
Measuring student success is essential to our school’s approach to fostering an environment where every student can thrive and achieve their best, now and in the future. Our teachers track academic progress and celebrate student achievements, using data to inform instructional practices. We monitor student engagement through regular feedback and observations, ensuring learning is meaningful and enjoyable.
Our teachers use a range of classroom assessments and diagnostic data to monitor student progress, assess achievement and plan for future learning opportunities.
We hold an annual Acquaintance Night in term one of each school year, to share classroom routines and expectations. We provide written reports in terms two and four with student achievement assessed against the Australian Curriculum learning standards. This is supported by three-way interviews also in term 2 each year.
Families are encouraged to speak to the classroom teacher about any aspect of their child’s learning progress throughout the school year. We recognise that successful learning occurs in partnership with families and we look forward to working closely with you.