Out of School Hours Care
Our aim is to provide quality care and recreational activities for children from Pre School to Year 7, in a safe, caring, nurturing and stimulating environment.
We believe in supporting the well-being of each and every child and working together with our families. Everyone who enters our Service is welcomed and valued as an individual. We believe in encouraging children to develop a healthy self-image through social interactions, which involve co-operation, conflict resolution & relationship building.
We value and promote outdoor play in our Service.
We respect each child and his/her family needs and believe in promoting respect for all people by recognising and celebrating the similarities and differences, diverse backgrounds and abilities of everyone in our community.
The Hallett Cove East OSHC/Vacation Care Service operates within all Regulatory and Legislative requirements including the National Quality Framework and the My Time, Our Place Frameworks and ensures that all experiences offered to the children in our care meet these outcomes and guidelines.
We are a Sun Smart and Allergy Aware service.
Hours of Operation
Before School 7:00am – 8:30am
The Service is open Monday to Friday except public holidays. Early Years students are taken to their classrooms at 8.40am.
After School 3:05pm – 6:05pm
The Service is open Monday to Friday except public holidays. Early Years students are collected from their classrooms.
Vacation Care 7:00am – 6:05pm
The Service is open Monday to Friday during school holidays except public holidays. The Service is closed for two weeks each year over the Christmas and New Year break.
Pupil-Free and School Closure Days 7:00am – 6:05pm
This service usually offers care on Pupil-Free and School Closure Days. Fees are the same as for Vacation Care. Parents are notified through the school newsletter of these days.
There is an initial registration fee of $25 per family when enrolling in OSHC. A $15 renewal is automatically charged to your account at the start of each year unless you let us know that you no longer require the service.
Fee structure
Our fee levels are set by the Governing Council to meet the Budget for the next year. We are a non-profit organisation and so our fees are set to cover our running costs. The fee level is reviewed each term. Parents are given two weeks written notice on any changes.
Paying Your Account
There are several ways of paying your account:
EFTPOS: Come into OSHC and use our EFTPOS machine.
Qkr!: Download the Qkr! app to your smartphone by following the instructions here then select OSHC then OSHC or Vacation Care to make a payment.
Fees as of the 1st of July 2024
Session | Early bird | Standard |
Before school care | $22.50 | $25.00 |
After school care | $34.50 | $37.00 |
Early finish | $40.50 | $43.00 |
Pupil free/school closure day | $70.00 | $75.50 |
Vacation care | $70.00 | $75.50 |
Please refer to the Policy and Parent Handbook for any further information.